A Polymath in Constant Training…
a person of wide-ranging knowledge or learning.
Yeah. I know. Sounds pretty presumptuous and self-inflating, right? But really, any of us who have a wide-ranging scope of interests and pursue a lifetime of continued learning are polymaths. It’s not a special title or status to obtain. More so, it’s about having a passion for erudition and honing one’s curiosity on a continued basis. I’ve learned a little about a lot over the years, and the more I learn, the more I understand the more it is I need to learn.
I’ve always been pretty comfortable running in different circles; Socially, Professionally and Artistically. My unorthodox and hardscrabble upbringing forced me to learn how to adapt and get a lay-of-the-land pretty quickly. Who I am is mostly a product of who it is you think I am.
This site serves as a gateway to my professional and creative pursuits as a writer, musician and business consultant. It’s a catchall for my interests and will expand and grow over time. Thanks for exploring and I hope you’ll revist from time-to-time. Our individual time on this 67,000 mph, spinning spheroidal spaceship is fleeting, so let’s do fun and neat stuff together, right? I sure hope to do so!